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How to clean carpet stains with baking soda?
Whether you got kids or you got cats or dogs, or you got some messy friends, or you are messy yourself, in this article, you will be learning some great Do It Yourself Tips to get rid of all those went too shabby with your rugs.
When there is an incident of spills or anything prone to getting stains, it requires prompt action. It turns just so convenient if you can have some of the ingredients to work with to clean rug stains already available at home. It’s merely an average working with baking soda as it is already there in your kitchen itself.
The article alone answers all FAQs related to baking soda cleaning, including,
- how to remove old stains from carpet,
- baking soda carpet freshener,
- baking soda on wet carpet,
- baking soda carpet cleaner recipe,
- baking soda on carpet for dog urine, etc.
To know all about baking soda, click here.
How To Clean Carpet Stains With Baking Soda - STEP BY STEP Process
What may seem to be clean to you may not be all that clean. Looking at the rug may be easy to say it’s clean, but is it really clean? There’s still something there, what? The foul smell left behind after the pet’s urine dried out or something.
The powder works with most of the material, and luckily they are also affordable and harmless.
Things required
Big bucket
Baking soda
Vacuum cleaner
Plastic bristle brush
- Take enough of the baking soda and sprinkle it all over the rug. Don’t be stingy in using the cleaning powder; the more, the better.
- Now, leave it alone for about 2-3 hours to react with the fibers.
- After a few hours, take a plastic bristle brush and use it to brush all over the rug gently. Doing so would let the baking soda powder penetrate deeper into the rug’s fiber and remove all stains as well as any odor. For better results, allow it to work for the whole night.
- Next morning, use a vacuum machine to obliterate the powder from the carpet.
How To Remove Stubborn Stains From Carpet
To clean up stains that are tougher or stubborn can be dealt with by preparing a unique home remedy mixture. Squeeze some limes and mix its juice with baking soda. Apply it to the stain spots and leave it for a few hours. The natural acidic component in the lime helps get rid of stubborn stains quickly.
How To Remove Bad Smell From A Rug
If you’re not using baking soda, you know, and then just on a vacuum, you are probably cleaning the dust out of the carpet and not the odor. Pet’s urine and other food junk can have a smell.
Here’s what you want to do with the baking soda. That is pretty simple.
- Just really only going just to spread the baking soda on the rug, and that’s it.
- Generously, you put this miracle product on the whole carpet, and it there overnight. Meanwhile, what the baking soda does is that it does not mess the odor, but it absorbs it. So it can help the smells out.
- Vacuum it.
Clean Carpet Stain Using Baking Soda And Vinegar
It is very affordable. Why would one in the world get an air freshener like for some ninety-nine cents that is an expensive option daily. Products we have around our house already are lifesavers because sometimes there is that emergency where we cannot go to the store, we can’t rent a carpet cleaner.
So here are a few of those already in your house or can easily order online at really no extra cost.
- Baking Soda
- White vinegar
- Dishwashing liquid
- Warm water
Put them in a bottle and as you may see, there are no chemicals because you may have a pet and little kids running around, and you wouldn’t want any hazardous chemicals to harm them. So you want some friendly cleaning supplies like this.
Cleaning Process
- Take a bottle with a spray nozzle top. Mix baking soda + white vinegar + dishwashing liquid in 2 cups of warm water and mix them.
- Spot the stain or the area with the carpet’s odor and spray the prepared mixture on it. Do not just go on to dump it everywhere. Spray only on the spot.
- Spray enough so much so that the remedies reach the depth of the stain.
- After spraying the mixture, gently rub the area with a paper towel. Repeat the process again and again but give some time gap between each repeat. You will notice the stain disappearing gradually and no more bad smell either. The vinegar baking soda stain remover can really do wonders.
Does Baking Soda Stain Carpet?
Baking soda can remove some spots from the carpet, but only when used with an acidic solution. If you use it without the acid (Eg. vinegar), it does help.
The carpet’s fiber is a point to consider while stepping ahead in removing any stain from the rug/carpet. One adverse effect it has is forming the white residue of the carpet’s surface, which will not be appealing. Hence until obliged to, there are other simple methods to get better results.
It is often the question if baking soda stains the carpet. Well, it does not. Some are also worried that vinegar will discolor the carpet. The chance of this happening is small, even with wool rugs.
The Advantages of Cleaning Carpet With Baking Soda
You’d be amazed to know how to clean carpet stains with baking soda, a simple kitchen item. It can do wonders to your home rugs and carpets at just a tiny fraction of the cost. They are a boon for most rug fiber cleaning naturally without harming you or your rug or carpet.
So let’s dive in and know some of its benefits.
- Removes Rug Stains – As discussed earlier, baking soda powder is an excellent ingredient for lifting most kinds of stains out from rugs, be it either oil-based spot like grease, or vomit, food, or wine spills. It is also a perfect remedy for removing pet urine stains.
- Getting Rid Of Odors – Did you know that this simple white powder also is an excellent natural deodorizer! Next time there is a bad smell from your rug, use it, and see by yourself the magic of baking soda powder.
- Scares Away Bugs – If you have seen those small greyish cylindrical-shaped bugs with their head out like a tortoise, those scary ones are the rug bugs. They feed on eating the carpet fibers over time and can highly damage rugs. Sprinkle baking soda all over the whole carpet or even mattress and furniture. It will kill these bugs and other parasites naturally without having to use any harmful chemicals.
- Extracts Moisture – Sometimes rugs get full wet due to accidental fall of jar or bucket of water all over. The use of baking soda can instantly suck and pull out the water and dry out the rug.
- Destroys Mildew – Another most important advantage of using baking soda is that by it removing the moisture, it can destroy the harmful molds and fungus formed due to the presence of constant water around the house. This mildew gives an awful smell and exhaling it can even cause health issues.
Other than carpets, use baking soda for other smelly places, the couches, gem equipment, your shoes, car carpet, and all things like that.
So these were a couple of some DIYs and the home remedies anyone can do, and it’s pretty much straightforward, and it makes spring cleaning fun. If you have any questions on our “How To Clean Carpet Stains With Baking Soda” article, please comment below.